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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Small catch up

I have been officially signed up for Kindergarten as of Wednesday. I am super excited! It is full day and I am ready right now! Mom and Dad have changed up my schedule so no naps, and in bed by 7:30. The transition has been a bit touchy, early evenings are a bear.

We went out yesterday when it was still beautiful out and too some pictures of the Sand Hill Cranes and their migration through the area. It was fun, Mom took more pictures with her camera then I with mine, since I kept stealing Dad binoculars. The migration is truly something you should see at least once in your lifetime. We caught a swarm of a couple thousand right off, and it just went up from there. They are so big, and their calls are splendid.


♥Lisa♥ @ FinalScore:Boys3Girls2 said...

That is so cool about the Cranes.

Kristi said...

Cranes are awesome!